Campsites for all shows must be reserved in advance.
All sites are primitive with no water or electric and there is no dump station on site.
Generators are allowed throughout the day but only inverter or digital generators may be run overnight with the exception of the need for a medical device.
Scroll down for camping rules and rates
Weekend Event Camping 2024 (see rates below)
Spring Show: May 16-19
Ole Train Days and Summer Fair: June 14-16
Fall Fest: October 25-27
If you have a reserved site for the Annual Steam Show and it is in an area we are using for the event, you have first choice of that site if paid prior to the first of the month of the event. On or around the first all others will be assigned a site and will be notified of your campsite number.
For these events we ask that all sites be paid prior to the event as there is no time scheduled to accept payments. Special exceptions may be made if needed.
Must be paid by May 1, 2024
to keep a site you had in 2023.
Many people pay for these sites at the show a year before to maintain the same sites. Hours will be posted closer to the event for collection. Payments may be made in the form of cash or check at Pony Track Campsite 8 and under the pavilion select days and times during this show for next year or for newly assigned sites. Outside of event dates, payments can be made using the member payment summary in your newsletter or by accessing the form on this website.
Annual Steam Show Camping 2024 ($100 per site)
Annual Steam Show: August 24-August 31
Each paid campsite receives ONE gate pass
Sites for this show are reserved year to year. Many families have had the same site for many years.
We had a small number of open sites last year. Reserve your site early or get on the waiting list.
